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The bee is an archival code first introduced in Gucci ready-to-wear in the 1970s. Here, it is printed at the tip of a belt made in GG Supreme canvas, ..
The interlocking G buckle belt in signature GG Supreme canvas with graphic Caleido print.Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas with black Caleido print, a mat..
The Double G buckle brings the present into the House's past, the notion of a cherished wardrobe is reinforced with items that can be worn season afte..
The Double G buckle brings the present into the House's past, the notion of a cherished wardrobe is reinforced with items that can be worn season afte..
GG signature leather belt finished with our signature feline detail on a square buckle.Black leatherBrass hardwareSquared feline buckle1.5" widthSize:..
Our GG Supreme canvas is offered in a beige and blue combination, finished with an interlocking G buckle.Beige/blue GG Supreme canvas, a material with..
A GG Supreme canvas belt finished with an interlocking G buckle.Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas, a material with low environmental impact, with brown le..
A GG Supreme canvas belt finished with interlocking G buckle.Black/grey GG Supreme canvas, a material with low environmental impact, with black leathe..
The Kingsnake, thought to symbolize wisdom and power, emerges as one of the signature details of Alessandro Michele's collections. Here, it is printed..
A smooth leather belt with our textured tiger head buckle embedded in black Swarovski crystals.Black leatherTiger head buckle embedded in black Swarov..
A smooth leather belt with our textured tiger head buckle embedded in black Swarovski crystals.Red leatherTiger head buckle embedded in black Swarovsk..